\title{Kooperberg Model-Based Background Correction for GenePix data} \name{kooperberg} \alias{kooperberg} \description{ This function uses a Bayesian model to background correct GenePix microarray data. } \usage{ kooperberg(RG, a=TRUE, layout=RG$printer, verbose=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{RG}{an RGList of GenePix data, read in using \code{read.maimages}, with \code{other.columns=c("F635 SD","B635 SD","F532 SD","B532 SD","B532 Mean","B635 Mean","F Pixels","B Pixels")}.} \item{a}{logical. If \code{TRUE}, the 'a' parameters in the model (equation 3 and 4) are estimated for each slide. If \code{FALSE} the 'a' parameters are set to unity.} \item{layout}{list containing print layout with components \code{ngrid.r}, \code{ngrid.c}, \code{nspot.r} and \code{nspot.c}. Defaults to \code{RG$printer}.} \item{verbose}{logical. If \code{TRUE}, progress is reported to standard output.} } \details{ This function is for use with GenePix data and is designed to cope with the problem of large numbers of negative intensities and hence missing values on the log-intensity scale. It avoids missing values in most cases and at the same time dampens down the variability of log-ratios for low intensity spots. See Kooperberg et al (2002) for more details. \code{kooperberg} uses the foreground and background intensities, standard deviations and number of pixels to compute empirical estimates of the model parameters as described in equation 2 of Kooperberg et al (2002). } \value{ An \code{RGList} containing the components \item{R}{matrix containing the background adjusted intensities for the red channel for each spot for each array} \item{G}{matrix containing the background adjusted intensities for the green channel for each spot for each array} \item{printer}{list containing print layout} } \author{Matthew Ritchie} \references{ Kooperberg, C., Fazzio, T. G., Delrow, J. J., and Tsukiyama, T. (2002) Improved background correction for spotted DNA microarrays. \emph{Journal of Computational Biology} \bold{9}, 55-66. Ritchie, M. E., Silver, J., Oshlack, A., Silver, J., Holmes, M., Diyagama, D., Holloway, A., and Smyth, G. K. (2007). A comparison of background correction methods for two-colour microarrays. \emph{Bioinformatics} 23, 2700-2707. \url{http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/btm412} } \seealso{ \link{04.Background} gives an overview of background correction functions defined in the LIMMA package. } \examples{ # This is example code for reading and background correcting GenePix data # given GenePix Results (gpr) files in the working directory (data not # provided). \dontrun{ genepixFiles <- dir(pattern="*\\\\.gpr$") # get the names of the GenePix image analysis output files in the current directory RG <- read.maimages(genepixFiles, source="genepix", other.columns=c("F635 SD","B635 SD","F532 SD","B532 SD","B532 Mean","B635 Mean","F Pixels","B Pixels")) RGmodel <- kooperberg(RG) MA <- normalizeWithinArrays(RGmodel) } } \keyword{models}