\name{Les-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{Les-class} \alias{[<-,Les-method} \alias{[,Les-method} \alias{show,Les-method} \alias{summary,Les-method} \title{Class 'Les'} \description{ The class 'Les' is used by the package 'les'. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects of class 'Les' are constructed by calling the function 'Les'. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{pos}:}{Integer vector with probe positions. Provided by the user through the 'Les' function.} \item{\code{chr}:}{Factor with chromosomes for each probe. Provided by the user through the 'Les' function.} \item{\code{lambda}:}{Numeric vector with estimates Lambda for each probe.} \item{\code{lambda0}:}{Numeric vector with estimates Lambda0 without the Grenander estimator for each probe. This is used if 'grenander' is set to TRUE.} \item{\code{se}:}{Numeric vector with standard error from linear fitting for each probe.} \item{\code{nProbes}:}{Integer with number of probes used in fit for each probe} \item{\code{pval}:}{Numeric vector with p-values for each probe. Provided by the user through the 'Les' function.} \item{\code{win}:}{Integer with the window size. Set by the user in the 'estimate' function.} \item{\code{weighting}:}{Function with the weighting function used for probe weighting according to position. Set by the user in the 'estimate' function.} \item{\code{grenander}:}{Logical indicating usage of the Grenander estimator. Set by the user in the 'estimate' function.} \item{\code{ci}:}{Data frame with the confidence intervals for each probe specified in 'subset'.} \item{\code{nBoot}:}{Integer with the number of bootstraps to be drawn. Set by the user in the 'ci' function.} \item{\code{conf}:}{Numeric with the confidence level. Set by the user in the 'ci' function.} \item{\code{subset}:}{Integer vector with indices of bootstrap subset. Set by the user in the 'ci' function.} \item{\code{theta}:}{Numeric with the threshold value Theta.} \item{\code{nSigProbes}:}{Integer with the number of estimated significant probes.xs} \item{\code{regions}:}{Data frame with estimated Loci of Enhanced Significance.} \item{\code{limit}:}{Numeric with the threshold value for estimation of 'regions'. Set by the user in the 'regions' function.} \item{\code{nChr}:}{Integer with the number of chromosomes.} \item{\code{maxGap}:}{Numeric specifying the largest gap allowed in one region. Set by the user in the 'regions' function.} \item{\code{minLength}:}{Integer specifying the minimal number of probes in one region. Set by the user in the 'regions' function.} \item{\code{minProbes}:}{Integer specifying the minimal number of unique p-values allowed for each fit. Set by the user in the 'estimate' function.} \item{\code{method}:}{Character specifying the method used for linear regression.} \item{\code{winSize}:}{Integer vector specifying the window sizes used for chi2 computation.} \item{\code{chi2}:}{Matrix containing the chi2 values for different window sizes.} \item{\code{state}:}{Character vector containing the analysis steps applied on the data object. Used for internal consistency checks.} } } \author{ Julian Gehring Maintainer: Julian Gehring } \seealso{ Package: \code{\link[les]{les-package}} Class: \code{\linkS4class{Les}} Methods and functions: \code{\link[les]{Les}} \code{\link[les]{estimate}} \code{\link[les]{threshold}} \code{\link[les]{regions}} \code{\link[les]{ci}} \code{\link[les]{chi2}} \code{\link[les]{export}} \code{\link[les]{plot}} } \examples{ showClass("Les") } \keyword{classes} \keyword{methods}