\name{isobar-package} \alias{isobar-package} \alias{isobar} \docType{package} \title{ Analysis and quantitation of isobarically tagged MSMS proteomics data } \description{ \code{isobar} provides methods for preprocessing, normalization, and report generation for the analysis of quantitative mass spectrometry proteomics data labeled withOA isobaric tags, such as iTRAQ and TMT. } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab isobar\cr Version: \tab 1.1.2\cr biocViews: \tab Proteomics, MassSpectrometray, Bioinformatics, MultipleComparisons, QualityControl\cr Depends: \tab R (>= 2.9.0), Biobase, stats, methods, ggplot2\cr Imports: \tab distr, biomaRt\cr Suggests: \tab MSnbase,XML\cr LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr License: \tab LGPL-2\cr URL: \tab http://bioinformatics.cemm.oeaw.ac.at\cr Collate: \tab utils.R ProteinGroup-class.R IBSpectra-class.R NoiseModel-class.R ratio-methods.R sharedpep-methods.R MSnSet-methods.R zzz.R\cr } Index: \preformatted{ IBSpectra-class IBSpectra objects NoiseModel-class NoiseModel objects ProteinGroup-class ProteinGroup objects do.log Log functions for IBSpectra objects fitCauchy Fit weighted and unweighted Cauchy and Normal distributions groupMemberPeptides Peptide info for protein group members human.protein.names Info on proteins ibspiked_set1 Isobar Data packages isobar-analysis IBSpectra analysis: Protein and peptide ratio calculation isobar-import Loading data into IBSpectra objects using readIBSpectra isobar-package Analysis and quantitation of isobaric tag Proteomics data isobar-plots IBSpectra plots isobar-preprocessing IBSpectra preprocessing isobar-reports Isobar reports maplot.protein MAplot for individual proteins number.ranges Helper function to transform number lists to ranges proteinInfo-methods Methods for Function proteinInfo proteinRatios protein and peptide ratios sanitize Helper function for LaTeX export shared.ratios Shared ratio calculation shared.ratios.sign Plot and get significantly shared ratios. } Further information is available in the following vignettes: \tabular{ll}{ \code{isobar} \tab Isobar Overview (source, pdf)\cr \code{isobar-devel} \tab Isobar for developers (source, pdf)\cr } } \author{ Florian P Breitwieser and Jacques Colinge , with contributions from Xavier Robin Maintainer: Florian P Breitwieser } \keyword{ package }