\name{IBSpectra.log} \alias{do.log} \alias{do.log,IBSpectra,character-method} \alias{get.log} \alias{get.log,IBSpectra,character-method} \alias{is.logged} \alias{is.logged,IBSpectra,character-method} \title{ Log functions for IBSpectra objects } \description{ The slot \code{log} of \code{IBSpectra} objects contains a matrix with two columns which contain a timestamp and message. Rownames relate to the item logged. Used by \code{\link{correctIsotopeImpurities}} and \code{\link{normalize}}. } \usage{ do.log(x, name, msg) get.log(x, name) is.logged(x, name) } \arguments{ \item{x}{IBSpectra object} \item{name}{Name of property to be logged (translates to row name).} \item{msg}{Message to be logged for name.} } \details{ A warning message will be displayed if a already logged property is logged again. } \value{ do.log: IBSpectra object with updated log. get.log: } \author{Florian P Breitwieser} \seealso{IBSpectra-class} \examples{ data(ibspiked_set1) ib <- normalize(correctIsotopeImpurities(ibspiked_set1)) ib@log }