\name{groupMemberPeptides} \alias{groupMemberPeptides} \title{ Peptide info for protein group members } \description{ For a given reporter protein group identifier, information on its peptides is returned. It contains information on how the peptides are shared and in which member they occur. } \usage{ groupMemberPeptides(x, reporter.protein.g, ordered.by.pos = TRUE, only.first.pos = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ProteinGroup object} \item{reporter.protein.g}{group reporter protein} \item{ordered.by.pos}{if TRUE, start position of peptides in proteins is exported and peptides are ordered by position } \item{only.first.pos}{ if TRUE, only first occurence of peptide in protein is reported } } \value{ list of two: [1] peptide.info: data.frame peptide specificity n.shared.groups n.shared.proteins start.pos [2] group.member.peptides: data.frame each column corresponds to a group member, and each row to a peptide } \author{Florian P Breitwieser} \examples{ data(ibspiked_set1) protein.group <- proteinGroup(ibspiked_set1) ceru.rat <- protein.g(protein.group,"CERU_RAT") groupMemberPeptides(protein.group,ceru.rat) ## find protein groups with members t <- table(proteinGroupTable(protein.group)$reporter.protein) t[t>2] protein.g <- names(t)[t>2][1] groupMemberPeptides(protein.group,protein.g) }