\name{segmentYeastBF} \alias{segmentYeastBF} \alias{segmentRing} \title{Segmentation of yeast cells and ring-shaped objects.} \description{ \code{segmentYeastBF} segments yeast cells from bright field microscopy images. \code{segmentRing} segments ring-shape objects in images. } \usage{ segmentYeastBF(x, uname, p, access) segmentRing(a, p) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An imageHTS object.} \item{uname}{A character string, containing the well name to segment.} \item{p}{A list of character vectors, containing the segmentation parameters. This is the output of \code{parseDCF}, given an input segmentation configuration file. See details.} \item{access}{A character string indicating how to access the data. Valid values are \code{local}, \code{server} and \code{cache}, the default. See \code{fileHTS} for details.} \item{a}{An EBImage image object or a matrix containing the image to segment.} } \value{ \code{segmentYeastBF} returns a list containing three \code{EBImage} images: \code{cal}, the calibrated image; \code{nseg}, the nucleus mask and \code{cseg}, the cell mask. \code{segmentRing} returns a list containing two \code{EBImage} images: \code{nseg}, the nucleus mask and \code{cseg}, the cell mask. } \details{ \code{segmentYeastBF} is a high-level segmentation function that can be specified in the \code{seg.method} field of a segmentation configuration file, called by the higher-level function \code{segmentWells}. \code{segmentRing} is used by \code{segmentYeastBF} and segments an image containing ring-shaped objects. The list of parameters \code{p} should contain: \itemize{ \item \code{edge.threshold}: a threshold parameter giving the cell edges \item \code{max.membrane.thickness}: the maximum membrane thickness, in pixels \item \code{crown.thickness}: the membrane thickness, in pixels \item \code{crown.steps}: a vector of 3 values, containing the minimum cell diameter, the maximum cell diameter, and the step between all possible diameters \item \code{locmin.threshold.width}: the adaptive threshold window width to compute the local minima, to call cell centers \item \code{locmin.threshold.offset}: the adaptive threshold window offset \item \code{locmin.erode.size}: the size of the erode paramter cleaning up the local minima map \item \code{cell.max.overlap}: the maximum cell overlap size, in pixels \item \code{nucleus.radius.offset}: the nucleus radius negative offset \item \code{cell.radius.offset}: the cell radius negative offset } } \seealso{ \code{\link{segmentWells}}, \code{\link{segmentATH}} } \author{ Gregoire Pau, \email{gregoire.pau@embl.de}, 2010 } \examples{ filename = system.file('yeast.jpeg', package='imageHTS') a = readImage(filename) if (interactive()) display(a) p = list(edge.threshold=0.05, max.membrane.thickness=5, crown.thickness=8, crown.steps=c(31, 61, 4), locmin.threshold.width=9, locmin.threshold.offset=0.15, locmin.erode.size=3, cell.max.overlap=2, nucleus.radius.offset=10, cell.radius.offset=4) seg = segmentRing(a, p) hseg = highlightSegmentation(EBImage::channel(a, 'rgb'), cseg=seg$cseg, thick=TRUE) if (interactive()) display(hseg) }