\name{readLearnTS} \alias{readLearnTS} \alias{predictCellLabels} \title{Learn, classify and predict cell labels.} \description{ \code{readLearnTS} trains an SVM classifier using cell features and a training cell set. \code{predictCellLabels} predicts cell labels. } \usage{ readLearnTS(x, featurePar, trainingSet, access='cache', cost, gamma) predictCellLabels(x, uname, access='cache') } \arguments{ \item{x}{An imageHTS object.} \item{uname}{A character vector, containing the well names to segment. See \code{getUnames} for details.} \item{featurePar}{A character string, indicating the filename containing the feature parameters.} \item{trainingSet}{A character string, indicating the filename containing the training cell set. See Details.} \item{access}{A character string indicating how to access the data. Valid values are \code{local}, \code{server} and \code{cache}, the default. See \code{fileHTS} for details.} \item{cost}{An optional numeric vector containing the SVM costs to be explored during the cross-validation parameter grid-search. Default is \code{c(0.1, 1, 10, 20)}.} \item{gamma}{An optional numeric vector containing the radial kernel gamma parameters to be explored during the cross-validation parameter grid-search. Default is \code{c(0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1)}.} } \value{ Returns an invisible list which contains: \code{classifier}, the trained classifier obtained by \code{tune.svm} and \code{cft}, the features that were used to train the classifier. } \details{ \code{readLearnTS} trains an SVM classifier using cell features and a training cell set. Features enumerated in the \code{remove.classification.features} field of the feature parameters are not considered for classification. The training set, pointed by \code{trainingSet}, is a tab-separated file containing the rows \code{uname}, \code{spot}, \code{id} and \code{label}. Each row designates a cell. This file is constructed by using the output of the cellPicker module, see \code{popCellPicker}. After completion, \code{readLearnTS} writes the a RDA file \'data/classifier.rda\' in the local project directory. This file contains the list returned by \code{readLearnTS}. \code{predictCellLabels} uses the trained classifier located in the file \'data/classifier.rda\' and cell features to predict cell labels of wells indicated by \code{uname}. For each well, the function writes the file \code{clabels}, which contains the predicted cell labels. If present, \code{popCellPicker} shows the predicted cell labels. Several iterations of \code{readLearnTS}, \code{predictCellLabels} and \code{popCellPicker} calls are useful to build an efficient cell classifier. } \seealso{ \code{\link{popCellPicker}} } \author{ Gregoire Pau, \email{gregoire.pau@embl.de}, 2010 } \examples{ ## see vignette for details }