\name{prw2uname} \alias{prw2uname} \alias{uname2prw} \alias{rowcol2well} \alias{well2rowcol} \alias{well2wellid} \title{Convert and parse well unique names} \description{ Functions to convert and parse well unique names. } \usage{ prw2uname(plate, replicate, row, col, well) uname2prw(uname) rowcol2well(row, col) well2rowcol(well) well2wellid(row, col, direction='row', dim) } \arguments{ \item{plate}{An numeric vector of plate indices or a list containing the numeric vectors \code{plate}, \code{replicate}, \code{row} and \code{col}.} \item{replicate}{A numeric vector of replicate indices.} \item{row}{A numeric vector of row indices.} \item{col}{A numeric vector of column indices} \item{well}{A character vector of well names.} \item{uname}{A character vector of well unique names.} \item{direction}{A character string containing the direction of the mapping. Valid values are \code{row} and \code{col}. Default is \code{row}, where the well identifier 2 points is mapped to well (1, 2)}. \item{dim}{A numeric vector of length two, containing the dimensions (number of rows, number of columns) of a plate}. } \value{ \code{prw2uname} returns a character vector of well unique names. \code{uname2prw} returns a data frame containing the columns \code{plate}, \code{replicate}, \code{row} and \code{col}. \code{rowcol2well} returns a character vector of well names. \code{well2rowcol} returns a data.frame containing the numeric vectors \code{row} and \code{col}. \code{well2wellid} returns a numeric vector containing the well identifiers. } \details{ In \code{prw2uname}, wells can be specified using the arguments \code{row} and \code{col} or using the argument \code{well}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{getWellFeatures}} } \author{ Gregoire Pau, \email{gregoire.pau@embl.de}, 2010 } \examples{ ## prw2uname and uname2prw u = prw2uname(plate=1:2, replicate=1, row=2, col=3:4) print(u) prw = uname2prw(u) print(prw) prw2uname(prw) ## rowcol2well and well2rowcol w = rowcol2well(row=1:3, col=5:7) print(w) rc = well2rowcol(w) print(rc) }