\name{imageHTS} \alias{imageHTS} \alias{imageHTS-class} \docType{package} \title{Package overview} \description{ imageHTS is an R package dedicated to the analysis of high-throughput microscopy-based screens. The package provides a modular and extensible framework to segment cells, extract quantitative cell features, predict cell types and browse screen data through web interfaces. Designed to operate in distributed environments, imageHTS provides a standardized access to remote screen data, facilitating the dissemination of high-throughput microscopy-based screens. } \section{Package content}{ The following function instantiates the imageHTS object. \itemize{ \item parseImageConf: instantiate an imageHTS object from a local or remote screen data repository } The following functions process, segment, quantify, summarize the well images. \itemize{ \item segmentWells: segment cells in well images \item extractFeatures: extract cell features from segmented images \item readLearnTS: train a cell classifier \item predictCellLabels: predict cell labels \item summarizeWells: summarize cell populations } The following functions provides means to display and inspect the screen data. \itemize{ \item installWebQuery: install the webQuery module \item popWebQuery: pop the webQuery module \item installCellPicker: install the cellPicker module \item popCellPicker: pop the cellPicker module \item segmentATH: segment cells stained for DNA, actin and tubulin \item getCellFtrsATH: extract features from cells stained for DNA, actin and tubulin } The following functions give access to the screen data. \itemize{ \item fileHTS: build the path to a screen data file \item readHTS: read a screen data file \item parseDCF: read a DCF configuration file \item collectCellFeatures: collect cell features \item getWellFeatures: get well metadata, features and annotation information } The following manipulate well unique names. \itemize{ \item getUnames: get well unique names \item prw2uname: convert a (plate, replicate, well) data frame in well unique names \item uname2prw: convert well unique names in a (plate, replicate, well) data frame \item rowcol2well: convert a (row, col) data frame in well names \item well2rowcol: convert well names in a (row, col) data frame \item well2wellid: convert well coordinates in numerical well identifiers } Miscellaneous functions. \itemize{ \item zprime: compute the Z'-factor quality score \item highlightSegmentation: highlight segmented objects in an image \item countObjects: count the number of objects in a segmented image \item getImageConf: get the imageHTS configuration } } \section{Authors}{ Gregoire Pau, \email{gregoire.pau@embl.de}, 2010 } \keyword{package}