\name{getWellFeatures} \alias{getWellFeatures} \title{Get well metadata, features and annotation information} \description{ Get well metadata, features and annotation information. } \usage{ getWellFeatures(x, uname, feature=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An imageHTS object.} \item{uname}{a character vector, containing well names. See \code{getUnames} for details.} \item{feature}{A character vectors containing the requested features. Default is \code{TRUE}, returning all well features.} } \value{ Returns a data frame containing well features. } \details{ \code{getWellFeatures} return \code{fData}, the well features loaded during the \code{configure} and \code{annotate} steps. Features include: \code{controlStatus}, the well content status derived from \'plateconf.txt\'. } \seealso{ \code{\link{fData}}, \code{\link{configure}}, \code{\link{annotate}} } \author{ Gregoire Pau, \email{gregoire.pau@embl.de}, 2010 } \examples{ ## initialize imageHTS object using the local submorph screen local = tempdir() server = system.file('submorph', package='imageHTS') x = parseImageConf('conf/imageconf.txt', localPath=local, serverURL=server) x = configure(x, 'conf/description.txt', 'conf/plateconf.txt', 'conf/screenlog.txt') x = annotate(x, 'conf/annotation.txt') ## select non-empty wells unames = setdiff(getUnames(x), getUnames(x, content='empty')) getWellFeatures(x, unames) }