\name{fileHTS} \alias{fileHTS} \alias{readHTS} \title{Get access to screen data files} \description{ \code{fileHTS} builds the path or URL pointing to a screen data file. \code{readHTS} reads the file pointed by \code{fileHTS}. } \usage{ fileHTS(x, type, ..., createPath=FALSE, access='cache') readHTS(x, type, ..., access='cache', format=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An imageHTS object.} \item{type}{A character vector, indicating the requested file type. See Details.} \item{...}{Optional arguments. See Details.} \item{createPath}{A logical value specifying if the directories along the path should be created. Default is \code{FALSE}.} \item{access}{A character string indicating how to access the data. Valid values are \code{cache} (the default), \code{local} and \code{server}. See Details.} \item{format}{An optional character string indicating the format of the designated file. Valid formats are \code{tab}, a tab-separated file with headers; \code{rda}, a R data file; \code{dcf}, an imageHTS DCF configuration file.} } \value{ \code{fileHTS} returns a character vector containing the path or URL of the requested file. \code{readHTS} returns the content of the requested file. } \details{ In imageHTS, all screen data files are accessed through the function \code{fileHTS}. Screen data can be accessed at two locations: the \code{localPath}, which is local writable directory, and \code{serverURL}, which is a server URL. \code{localPath} and \code{serverURL} are set during the instantiation of the \code{imageHTS} object with \code{parseImageConf}. If \code{access} equals \code{local}, \code{fileHTS} returns a local path pointing to the requested file. If \code{server}, \code{fileHTS} returns a server URL pointing to the requested file. If \code{cache} (the default), \code{fileHTS} tests if the file is present at the local path. If not, \code{fileHTS} tries to download the file from the server and copies it in the local path. \code{fileHTS} always returns a local path if \code{access} equals \code{cache}. A file is designated by its \code{type} and optional arguments. Known file types are: \itemize{ \item \code{file}: general-purpose file. The character string \code{filename} indicates its path, relative to the project directory. File format is unspecified. \item \code{source}: source image, designated by the character string \code{uname} and the numeric \code{channel}. File format is unspecified. \item \code{cal}: calibrated image, designated by the character string \code{uname}. The file is a R data file which contains an \code{EBImage} image object. \item \code{seg}: segmentation data, designated by the character string \code{uname}. The file is a R data file which contains a list of two \code{EBImage} image objects: \code{cseg} containing the cell mask and \code{nseg} the nucleus mask. \item \code{ftrs}: cell features, designated by the character string \code{uname}. The file is a tab-separated file which contains the cell features. \item \code{clabels}: cell labels, designated by the character string \code{uname}. The file is a tab-separated file which contains the cell labels. \item \code{viewfull}: calibrated JPEG image, designated by the character string \code{uname}. The file is a JPEG image. \item \code{viewunmonted}: spot-untiled calibrated JPEG image, designated by the character string \code{uname} and the spot number \code{spot}. The file is a JPEG image. \item \code{viewseg}: segmented JPEG image, designated by the character string \code{uname}. The file is a JPEG image. \item \code{viewthumb}: thumbnail JPEG image, designated by the character string \code{uname}. The file is a JPEG image. } \code{readHTS} reads and returns the corresponding file. \code{format} must be specified if \code{type} is \code{file} or \code{source}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{parseImageConf}}, \code{\link{getUnames}} } \author{ Gregoire Pau, \email{gregoire.pau@embl.de}, 2010 } \examples{ ## initialize imageHTS object using the local submorph screen local = tempdir() server = system.file('submorph', package='imageHTS') x = parseImageConf('conf/imageconf.txt', localPath=local, serverURL=server) ## fileHTS and readHTS examples fileHTS(x, 'file', filename='conf/imageconf.txt') fileHTS(x, 'source', uname='001-01-C05', channel=1) readHTS(x, 'file', filename='conf/featurepar.txt', format='dcf') ## initialize imageHTS object using the remote kimorph screen local = tempdir() server = 'http://www.ebi.ac.uk/~gpau/imageHTS/screens/kimorph' x = parseImageConf('conf/imageconf.txt', localPath=local, serverURL=server) ## get cell features for well '002-02-D06' f = readHTS(x, 'ftrs', uname='002-02-D06') cat('nb cells=', nrow(f), '\n') }