\name{guiEnv} \alias{guiEnv} \title{ Accessor to the internal GUI environment } \description{ All state information for the GUI is stored in an internal environment. This function can be used to access this environment. } \usage{ ## .guiEnv$list name such as Gate.list, workflowlist } \value{ The internal gui environment. } \author{ Kyongryun Lee } \examples{ ## 1. Run iFlow \dontrun{ iflow() } ## 2. Load data \dontrun{ data(GvHD)} ## 3. Activate data by clicking a data name on Data panel ## 4. Create a gate ## 5. It is able to access created gate objects or workflow of the data on the command lines as follows. ## The workflow is automatically created whenever the operations of the data are run. ## wf.list <- .guiEnv$workflow.list ## wf.list ## gt.list <-.guiEnv$Gate.list ## gt.list \dontrun{iFlow:::guiEnv$Gatelist} }