\name{getNewName} \alias{getNewName} \title{ getNewName} \description{ This function opens a dialog box to input a name for the new data node. } \usage{ getNewName(title, initial.name) } \arguments{ \item{title}{A character indicating the title for the dialog box.} \item{initial.name}{A character indicating the initial name for the new data node. \code{NULL} is also available.} } \details{ A dialog box is opened by this function, destroyed after clinking "OK" button. It returns the input name for the new data node. This function is for the convenience of creating a dialong box with an input value in RGtk2. } \value{ \item{text}{Input name for the new data node. } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{Input}{\code{signature(object = "flowSet")}: Give the name of new flowset. } } } \author{ Kyongryun Lee } \examples{ \dontrun{iFlow:::getNewName("input a data name", "new name")} } \keyword{internal}