\name{iBBiG-package} \alias{iBBiG-package} \docType{package} \title{ iBBiG performs bi-clustering of binary matrices } \description{ iBBiG is a bi-clustering algorithm, optimized for module discovery in sparse noisy binary genomics data. We designed iBBiG to have high specificity and thereby minimize the false positive rate when discovering new classes; the iterative approach employed in iBBiG is able to discover weak signals, even if they are potentially masked by stronger ones. } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab iBBiG\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab 0.99.1\cr Date: \tab 2012-03-15\cr License: \tab Free Artistic\cr LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr Depends: \tab methods\cr } The main functions is iBBiG. This is the biclustering algorithm. } \author{ Aedin Culhane, Daniel Gusenleitner Maintainer: Aedin } \references{ Daniel Gusenleitner, Eleanor A Howe, Stefan Bentink, John Quackenbush and Aedin C Culhane iBBiG: Iterative Binary Bi-clustering of Gene Sets Bioinformatics. In review. } \keyword{ package } \keyword{ clustering } \keyword{ GSEA } \keyword{ metaanalysis } \keyword{ biclustering }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line \seealso{ Also see \code{\link[biclust]{biclust}} ~~ } \examples{ binMat<-makeArtificial() binMat plot(binMat) res<- try(iBBiG(binMat@Seeddata, nModules=10)) plot(res) res }