\name{regionsCoverage} \alias{regionsCoverage} \alias{gridCoverage} \alias{stdGrid} \alias{regionsCoverage-methods} \alias{regionsCoverage,ANY,ANY,ANY,RleList-method} \alias{stdGrid-methods} \alias{stdGrid,gridCover-method} \title{ Compute coverage on user specified genomic regions. } \description{ \code{regionsCoverage} computes coverage for user specified genomic regions. \code{gridCoverage} evaluates the coverage on a regular grid with the same number of points for each region (facilitating further plotting, clustering etc). \code{stdGrid} standardized the coverage by diviging by the average or maximum coverage at each region. } \section{Methods}{ Methods for \code{regionsCoverage}: \describe{ \item{\code{signature(chr = "ANY", start = "ANY", end = "ANY", cover = "RleList")}}{ Evaluates the coverage \code{cover} at the genomic positions specified by \code{chr}, \code{start}, \code{end}. }} Methods for \code{stdGrid}: \describe{ \item{\code{signature(cover = "gridCover")}}{ Standardizes the coverage evaluated on a grid (typically, as returned by \code{gridCoverage}) by dividing by the mean or maximum coverage. }} } \usage{ regionsCoverage(chr, start, end, cover) gridCoverage(cover) stdGrid(cover, colname="maxCov") } \arguments{ \item{chr}{Vector with chromosome names.} \item{start}{Vector with start position. \code{start>end} indicates that region is on the negative strand.} \item{end}{Vector with end position. \code{start>end} indicates that region is on the negative strand.} \item{cover}{For \code{regionsCoverage}, \code{cover} is an object of class \code{RleList} with the genome-wide coverage (typically obtained by a previous call to \code{coverage}). For \code{gridCoverage} this is the coverage evaluated at user-specified regions, as returned by \code{regionsCoverage}. For \code{stdGrid} this is the coverage evaluated on a grid, as returned by \code{gridCoverage}.} \item{colname}{Name of the column in \code{cover@viewsInfo} to be used for the standardizing. Currently only \code{"meanCov"} and \code{"maxCov"} are implemented.} } \value{ \code{regionsCoverage} returns a list with two components \item{views}{\code{RleViewsList} with coverage evaluated at specified regions. Orientation is always so that start