\name{plotChrRegions} \alias{plotChrRegions} \title{Plot chromosomal regions of interest} \description{ Produces a plot with all chromosomes for a given organism, marking regions of interest in a user-specified color. } \usage{ plotChrRegions(regions, chrLength, markColor='red', ...) } \arguments{ \item{regions}{\code{RangedData} object with chromosome, start and end positions (chromosome must be stored in \code{space(regions)}.} \item{chrLength}{Named integer vector with chromosome lengths in base pairs.} \item{markColor}{Color to be used to mark the regions in the chromosome.} \item{...}{Further parameters passed on to \code{plot}.} } \value{ This function produces a plot. } \examples{ set.seed(1) chr <- rep(c('chr1','chr2'),each=10) chrLength <- c(chr1=10000,chr2=5000) st <- c(runif(10,1,10000),runif(10,1,5000)) regions <- RangedData(IRanges(st,st+50),space=chr) plotChrRegions(regions,chrLength=chrLength) } \keyword{ graphs }