\name{validGraph} \alias{validGraph} \title{ Test whether graph object is valid } \description{ validGraph is a validating function for a graph object. } \usage{ validGraph(object, quietly=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ a graph object to be tested } \item{quietly}{ \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} indicating whether output should be printed.} } \value{ If the graph object is valid, \code{TRUE} is returned otherwise \code{FALSE} is returned. If \code{object} is not a valid graph and \code{quietly} is set to \code{FALSE} then descriptions of the problems are printed. } \author{ Elizabeth Whalen } \seealso{\code{\link{graph-class}} } \examples{ testGraph<-new("graphNEL") testGraph@nodes<-c("node1","node2","node3") validGraph(testGraph) } \keyword{ manip}