\name{reverseEdgeDirections} \alias{reverseEdgeDirections} \title{Reverse the edges of a directed graph} \description{ Return a new directed graph instance with each edge oriented in the opposite direction relative to the corresponding edge in the input graph. } \usage{ reverseEdgeDirections(g) } \arguments{ \item{g}{A \code{graph} subclass that can be coerced to \code{graphAM}} } \details{ WARNING: this doesn't handle edge attributes properly. It is a preliminary implementation and subject to change. } \value{ A \code{graphNEL} instance } \author{S. Falcon} \examples{ g <- new("graphNEL", nodes=c("a", "b", "c"), edgeL=list(a=c("b", "c"), b=character(0), c=character(0)), edgemode="directed") stopifnot(isAdjacent(g, "a", "b")) stopifnot(!isAdjacent(g, "b", "a")) grev <- reverseEdgeDirections(g) stopifnot(!isAdjacent(grev, "a", "b")) stopifnot(isAdjacent(grev, "b", "a")) } \keyword{manip}