\name{removeNode} \alias{removeNode} \title{ removeNode } \description{ A function to remove a node from a graph. All edges to and from the node are also removed. } \usage{ removeNode(node, object) } \arguments{ \item{node}{The label of the node to be removed. } \item{object}{The graph to remove the node from. } } \details{ The specified node is removed from the graph as are all edges to and from that node. A new instance of the same class as \code{object} with the specified node(s) is returned. Note, node can be a vector of labels, in which case all nodes are removed. This is similar to \code{\link{subGraph}}. } \value{ A new instance of a graph of the same class as \code{object} but with all specified nodes removed. } \author{R. Gentleman} \seealso{\code{\link{removeEdge}}, \code{\link{addEdge}}, \code{\link{addNode}},\code{\link{subGraph}} } \examples{ V <- LETTERS[1:4] edL2 <- vector("list", length=4) names(edL2) <- V for(i in 1:4) edL2[[i]] <- list(edges=c(2,1,2,1)[i], weights=sqrt(i)) gR2 <- new("graphNEL", nodes=V, edgeL=edL2, edgemode="directed") gX <- removeNode("C", gR2) } \keyword{manip}