\name{randomEGraph} \alias{randomEGraph} \title{ Random Edge Graph } \description{ A function to create random graphs according to a random edge model. The user supplies the set of nodes for the graph as \code{V} and either a probability, \code{p}, that is used for each edge or the number of edges, \code{edges} they want to have in the resulting graph. } \usage{ randomEGraph(V, p, edges) } \arguments{ \item{V}{The nodes for the graph. } \item{p}{ The probability of an edge being selected. } \item{edges}{ The number of edges wanted. } } \details{ The user must specify the set of nodes and either a probability for edge selection or the number of edges wanted, but not both. Let \code{nV} denote the number of nodes. There are \code{choose(nV, 2)} edges in the complete graph. If \code{p} is specified then a biased coin (probability of heads being \code{p}) is tossed for each edge and if it is heads that edge is selected. If \code{edges} is specified then that many edges are sampled without replacement from the set of possible edges. } \value{ An object of class \code{\link{graphNEL-class}} that contains the nodes and edges. } \author{R. Gentleman } \seealso{\code{\link{randomGraph}}} \examples{ set.seed(123) V <- letters[14:22] g1 <- randomEGraph(V, .2) g2 <- randomEGraph(V, edges=30) } \keyword{ manip }