\name{mostEdges} \alias{mostEdges} \title{ Find the node in a graph with the greatest number of edges } \description{ \code{mostEdges} finds the node that has the most edges in the graph. This is the node with the highest degree. } \usage{ mostEdges(objGraph) } \arguments{ \item{objGraph}{ the graph object } } \value{ \item{index}{the index of the node with the most edges} \item{id}{the node value with the most edges; may be affy id, locus link id, or genename depending on the node type} \item{maxLen}{the number of edges for that node} } \author{ Elizabeth Whalen } \seealso{ \code{\link{numEdges}}, \code{\link{aveNumEdges}}, \code{\link{numNoEdges}} } \examples{ set.seed(123) g1 <- randomGraph(11:30, letters[20:26], p=.4) mostEdges(g1) } \keyword{ manip }