\name{edgeData-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{edgeData-methods} \alias{edgeData<--methods} \alias{edgeData} \alias{edgeData<-} \title{Get and set attributes for the edges of a graph object} \usage{ edgeData(self, from, to, attr) edgeData(self, from, to, attr) <- value } \arguments{ \item{self}{A \code{graph-class} instance} \item{from}{A \code{character} vector of node names} \item{to}{A \code{character} vector of node names} \item{attr}{A \code{character} vector of length one specifying the name of a node attribute} \item{value}{An R object to store as the attribute value} } \description{ Attributes of the edges of a graph can be accessed using \code{edgeData}. The attributes must be defined using \code{\link{edgeDataDefaults}}. You can ommit the \code{from} or \code{to} argument to retrieve attribute values for all edges to (respectively, from) a given node. } \keyword{methods}