\name{attrDefaults-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{attrDefaults-methods} \alias{attrDefaults<--methods} \alias{attrDefaults} \alias{attrDefaults<-} \title{Get and set the default attributes of an attrData object} \usage{ attrDefaults(self, attr) attrDefaults(self, attr) <- value } \arguments{ \item{self}{A \code{\link{attrData-class}} instance} \item{attr}{A \code{character} vector of length 1 giving the name of an attribute. Can be missing.} \item{value}{An R object that will be used as the default value of the specified attribute, or a named list of attribute name/default value pairs if \code{attr} is missing.} } \description{ The \code{attrDefaults} method provides access to a \code{\link{attrData-class}} object's default attribute list. The default attribute list of a \code{attrData-class} object defines what attributes can be customized for individual data elements by defining attribute names and default values. } \keyword{methods}