\name{apoptosisGraph} \alias{apopGraph} \alias{apopAttrs} \alias{apopLocusLink} \docType{data} \title{KEGG apoptosis pathway graph} \description{ A graph representing the apoptosis pathway from KEGG, as well as a data.frame of attributes for use in plotting the graph with \code{Rgraphviz} and a list to compare the nodes with their respective LocusLink IDs. } \usage{ data(apopGraph) } \details{ The \code{apopGraph} data set contains three objects: The first is \code{apopGraph}, which is an object of class \code{graph-NEL} and represents the hsa04210 graph from \code{KEGG}. The second is \code{apopAttrs}, which is a data.frame with two columns, and a row for every node in \code{apopGraph}. The first column lists what color the node is represented with on the \code{KEGG} site. The second column lists the type of the node - either \code{genesym} or \code{text}. Most nodes are of type \code{genesym} as they represent genes, but some of the nodes in the \code{KEGG} graph were not genes and thus those nodes are of type \code{text}. The third, \code{apopLocusLink} is a named list where the names correspond to the node names in \code{apopGraph}. The values of the list are the LocusLink IDs that correspond to that node in the KEGG graph. } \source{ \url{http://www.genome.ad.jp/kegg/pathway/hsa/hsa04210.html} } \examples{ data(apopGraph) if (require("Rgraphviz") & interactive()) plot(apopGraph) } \keyword{datasets}