\name{compareROC} \Rdversion{1.0} \alias{compareROC} \title{Make ROC plots.} \description{ This rocStats wrapper superimposes ROC curves on a plot to analyse the output performance of a method-A, and optionally compare it with that of a method-B, based on some ground thruth labels. } \usage{ compareROC(output, groundTruthLabels, compareToRanking) } \arguments{ \item{output}{(vector) The output of ranking scores returned by method-A for each data-point.} \item{groundTruthLabels}{(vector) A binary vector that contains the ground truth (e.g. which genes are members of the top-100 ground truth list).} \item{compareToRanking}{A matrix where each column is the output vector of ranking scores returned by another competing method.} } \value{ \item{area}{A scalar. The area under the ROC curve of method-A.} } \seealso{ \code{ \link{rocStats} } } \examples{ data(FragmentDellaGattaData) ## Load demo data. compareROC(output= rnorm(length(DGatta_labels_byTSNI))>0, groundTruthLabels=DGatta_labels_byTSNI) }