\name{getFeatureCounts} \alias{getFeatureCounts} \title{get the read counts for a supplied set of genomic features} \description{ get the read counts for a supplied set of genomic features } \usage{ getFeatureCounts(AI, FG, nameColumn = "Name", fractionIncluded = 1, returnType = "AlignedGenomeIntervals", mem.friendly = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{AI}{\code{AlignedGenomeIntervals} object} \item{FG}{\code{Genome\_intervals} objects of genomic features} \item{nameColumn}{character indicating which column of the object \code{FG} holds the identifiers of the genomic features; is used to assess the number of genomic copies per feature} \item{fractionIncluded}{double; which fraction of an interval needs to be included in a feature in order to count for the feature} \item{returnType}{one of \code{AlignedGenomeIntervals} or \code{integer}} \item{mem.friendly}{logical; passed on to \code{fracOverlap} function, determines if overlap should be computed chromosome-wise, optionally distributed over several CPUs (with package \code{multicore})} } %\details{} \value{ depends on argument \code{returnType}: one of \code{AlignedGenomeIntervals} or a named \code{integer} } \author{Joern Toedling} \seealso{\code{\link{fracOverlap}}} %\examples{} \keyword{manip} \keyword{internal}