\name{plotSingleChrom} \alias{plotSingleChrom} \title{Plot single chromosome with cytoband} \usage{ plotSingleChrom(obj, subchr, zoom.region, xlab, ylab, main, xlabel = FALSE) } \description{ Plot single chromosome with cytoband } \details{ User could provide the whole ideogram and use subchr to point to particular chromosome. } \value{ A \code{ggplot} object. } \author{Tengfei Yin} \arguments{ \item{obj}{ A \code{GenomicRanges} object, which include extra information about cytoband, check biovizBase::isIdeogram. } \item{subchr}{ A single character of chromosome names to show. } \item{zoom.region}{ A numeric vector of length 2 indicating zoomed region. } \item{xlab}{ Label for x } \item{ylab}{ Label for y } \item{main}{ Title for plot. } \item{xlabel}{ A logical value. Show the x label or not. } } \examples{ \dontrun{ library(biovizBase) data(hg19IdeogramCyto, package = "biovizBase") biovizBase::isIdeogram(hg19IdeogramCyto) ## return TRUE plotSingleChrom(hg19IdeogramCyto, subchr = "chr1") plotSingleChrom(hg19IdeogramCyto, subchr = "chr1", xlabel = TRUE) ## zoom plotSingleChrom(hg19IdeogramCyto, subchr = "chr1", zoom.region = c(1e8, 1.5e8)) } }