\name{geom_rect} \alias{geom_rect} \alias{geom_rect,data.frame-method} \alias{geom_rect,GRanges-method} \title{Rect geoms for GRanges object} \description{ Show interval data as rectangle. } \usage{ ## For data.frame \S4method{geom_rect}{data.frame}(data, ...) ## For GRanges \S4method{geom_rect}{GRanges}(data,..., xlab, ylab, main, facets = NULL, stat = c("stepping", "identity"), rect.height = 0.4, group.selfish = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{data}{ A \code{GRanges} or \code{data.frame} object. When it's \code{data.frame}, it's simply calling ggplot2::geom_rect. } \item{...}{ Extra parameters such as aes() or \code{color, size} passed. } \item{xlab}{ Label for x } \item{ylab}{ Label for y } \item{main}{ Title for plot. } \item{facets}{ Faceting formula to use. } \item{stat}{ Character vector specifying statistics to use. "stepping" with randomly assigned stepping levels as y varialbe. "identity" allow users to specify \code{y} value in \code{aes}. } \item{rect.height}{ Half height of the arrow body. } \item{group.selfish}{ Passed to \code{addStepping}, control whether to show each group as unique level or not. If set to \code{FALSE}, if two groups are not overlapped with each other, they will probably be layout in the same level to save space. } } \value{ A 'Layer'. } \examples{ ## @knitr load set.seed(1) N <- 100 require(ggbio) require(GenomicRanges) ## @knitr simul ## ====================================================================== ## simmulated GRanges ## ====================================================================== gr <- GRanges(seqnames = sample(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3"), size = N, replace = TRUE), IRanges( start = sample(1:300, size = N, replace = TRUE), width = sample(70:75, size = N,replace = TRUE)), strand = sample(c("+", "-", "*"), size = N, replace = TRUE), value = rnorm(N, 10, 3), score = rnorm(N, 100, 30), sample = sample(c("Normal", "Tumor"), size = N, replace = TRUE), pair = sample(letters, size = N, replace = TRUE)) ## @knitr data.frame ## ====================================================================== ## data.frame call ggplot2::geom_rect ## ====================================================================== ggplot() + geom_rect(data = mtcars, aes(xmin = mpg, ymin = wt, xmax = mpg + 10, ymax = wt + 0.2, fill = cyl)) ## @knitr default ## ====================================================================== ## default ## ====================================================================== ggplot() + geom_rect(gr) ## @knitr facet_aes ## ====================================================================== ## facetting and aesthetics ## ====================================================================== ggplot() + geom_rect(gr, facets = sample ~ seqnames, aes(color = strand, fill = strand)) ## @knitr stat:identity ## ====================================================================== ## stat:identity ## ====================================================================== ggplot() + geom_rect(gr, stat = "identity", aes(y = value)) ## @knitr stat:stepping ## ====================================================================== ## stat:stepping ## ====================================================================== ggplot() + geom_rect(gr, stat = "stepping", aes(y = value, group = pair)) ## @knitr group.selfish ## ====================================================================== ## group.selfish controls when ## ====================================================================== ggplot() + geom_rect(gr, stat = "stepping", aes(y = value, group = pair), group.selfish = FALSE) } \author{Tengfei Yin}