\name{Makesense} \alias{Makesense} \alias{Makesense,matrix,character-method} \alias{Makesense,ExpressionSet,missing-method} \alias{Makesense,ExpressionSet,character-method} \title{Produce Smoothed Sense/Anti-sense For All Chromosomes} \description{ 'Makesense' takes either an \code{ExpressionSet} object or a \code{matrix} of gene expressions and will produce a smoothed positive and negative strands for all chromosomes. } \usage{ Makesense(expr, lib, ...) } \arguments{ \item{expr}{Either an \code{ExpressionSet} or a \code{matrix} of gene expressions with genes as rows and columns as samples.} \item{lib}{The name of the Bioconductor annotation data package that will be used to provide mappings from probes to chromosomal locations, such as \code{hgu95av2.db} or \code{hgu133a.db}. If \code{expr} is an \code{ExpressionSet}, the argument defaults to the \code{annotation} slot of the \code{ExpressionSet}.} \item{...}{Currently, the only optional argument is \code{f}, the smoother span to be passed to 'lowess'. Its value should be in the interval of (0,1). This gives the proportion of points in the plot which influence the smooth at each value. Larger values give more smoothness. The default value for this argument is 1/10.} } \details{ The \code{expr} argument can either be of class \code{ExpressionSet} or \code{matrix}, where the latter represents the matrix of gene expressions. If the \code{expr} argument is an \code{ExpressionSet}, the \code{lib} argument will use the \code{annotation} slot. Users can override this behaviour and supply their own \code{lib} argument if they wish. If the \code{ExpressionSet} has no value associated with the \code{annotation} slot (which should not happen, but is possible) then the user must supply the \code{lib} argument manually or the function will throw an error. } \value{ A list of 2 components: \item{ans2}{a \code{list}, whose components correspond to samples in the same order as appearing in the columns of 'expr'. Each component is also a \code{list}, named by chromosomes "1"-"22", "X" and "Y". Each named component is again a \code{list} with two elements named "posS" and "negS", corresponding to the positive and negative strands of a chromosome, each of which is an object returned by 'lowess'.} \item{lib}{A string giving the name of the annotation data package to use. Optional if \code{expr} is an \code{ExpressionSet}.} } \author{Robert Gentleman and Xiaochun Li} \seealso{ \code{\link{plotChr}}} \examples{ if (require("hgu133a.db")) { data(expressionSet133a) esetobj <- Makesense(exprs(expressionSet133a), "hgu133a") esetobj2 <- Makesense(expressionSet133a[1:200, ]) } } \keyword{dplot}