\name{stab.fs} \alias{stab.fs} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Function to quantify stability of feature selection. } \description{ This function computes several indexes to quantify feature selection stability. This is usually estimated through perturbation of the original dataset by generating multiple sets of selected features. } \usage{ stab.fs(fsets, N, method = c("kuncheva", "davis"), ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{fsets}{ list of sets of selected features, each set of selected features may have different size } \item{N}{ total number of features on which feature selection is performed } \item{method}{ stability index (see details section) } \item{\dots}{ additional parameters passed to stability index (\code{penalty} that is a numeric for Davis' stability index, see details section) } } \details{ Stability indices may use different parameters. In this version only the Davis index requires an additional parameter that is \code{penalty}, a numeric value used as penalty term. Kuncheva index (\code{kuncheva}) lays in [-1, 1], An index of -1 means no intersection between sets of selected features, +1 means that all the same features are always selected and 0 is the expected stability of a random feature selection. Davis index (\code{davis}) lays in [0,1], With a pnalty term equal to 0, an index of 0 means no intersection between sets of selected features and +1 means that all the same features are always selected. A penalty of 1 is usually used so that a feature selection performed with no or all features has a Davis stability index equals to 0. None estimate of the expected Davis stability index of a random feature selection was published. } \value{ A numeric that is the stability index } \references{ Davis CA, Gerick F, Hintermair V, Friedel CC, Fundel K, Kuffner R, Zimmer R (2006) "Reliable gene signatures for microarray classification: assessment of stability and performance", \emph{Bioinformatics}, \bold{22}(19):356-2363. Kuncheva LI (2007) "A stability index for feature selection", \emph{AIAP'07: Proceedings of the 25th conference on Proceedings of the 25th IASTED International Multi-Conference}, pages 390--395. } \author{ Benjamin Haibe-Kains } %%\note{} %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ \seealso{ \code{\link[genefu]{stab.fs.ranking}} } \examples{ set.seed(54321) ## 100 random selection of 50 features from a set of 10,000 features fsets <- lapply(as.list(1:100), function(x, size=50, N=10000) { return(sample(1:N, size, replace=FALSE))} ) names(fsets) <- paste("fsel", 1:length(fsets), sep=".") ## Kuncheva index stab.fs(fsets=fsets, N=10000, method="kuncheva") ## close to 0 as expected for a random feature selection ## Davis index stab.fs(fsets=fsets, N=10000, method="davis", penalty=1) } \keyword{ feature selection } \keyword{ stability }