\name{test.overrepresentation} \alias{test.overrepresentation} \title{ Test statistical overrepresentation of KEGG pathways in a list of genes } \description{ Test the statistical overrepresentation of KEGG pathways in a group of genes using Fisher's exact test. The analysis can either be based on all KEGG pathways predicted by \code{\link{gene2pathway}}/\code{\link{gene2pathway.signaltrans}} or on original KEGG annotation only. } \usage{ test.overrepresentation(genesOfInterest, predpath, KEGGonly=FALSE, cutoff=0.1, min.conf=0.9, adj.method="BY", mc.cores=8) } \arguments{ \item{genesOfInterest}{a character vector of gene identifiers (see \code{\link{gene2pathway}}, \code{\link{gene2pathway.signaltrans}}) for a gene list of interest} \item{predpath}{predictions of \code{\link{gene2pathway}} or \code{\link{gene2pathway.signaltrans}}} \item{KEGGonly}{use KEGG annotation only} \item{cutoff}{p-value significance cutoff} \item{min.conf}{filter predictions such that only those with a confidence score > min.conf are considered} \item{adj.method}{multiple testing correction method. Default: Benjamini-Yekutieli} \item{mc.cores}{number of cores to use for parallelization; requires package 'doMC' to be loaded} } \value{ Table with two columns: KEGG pathway and adjusted p-value (adjustment according to Benjamini-Yekutieli) } \keyword{ file }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS