\name{getComponents} \alias{getComponents} \alias{get.elements.by.pathway} \alias{color.pathway.by.elements} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{KEGG pathway information} \description{ 1. get connected pathway components; 2. get all elements of a given pathway; 3. color certain elements in a pathway. } \usage{ getComponents(pathway.id, organism="hsa") get.elements.by.pathway(pathway.id) color.pathway.by.elements(pathway.id, elements) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{pathway.id}{KEGG pathway ID, e.g. "path:hsa04012"} \item{organism}{organism according to 3-letter KEGG abbreviation} \item{elements}{KEGG element IDs: character vector of numbers} } % \details{ All functions use the KEGG SOAP service. } \value{ getComponents: a list with the entries \item{geneIDs}{Entrez gene IDs mapping to each pathway component} \item{elemIDs}{KEGG element IDs mapping to each pathway component} get.elements.by.pathway: list, see for details color.pathway.by.elements: an URL of a colored gif file, see for details } \author{ Holger Froehlich } \examples{ \dontrun{ comp = getComponents("path:hsa04020") # get all connected components color.pathway.by.elements("path:hsa04020", comp$elemIDs[[2]]) # mark first component } } \keyword{ file }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS