\name{synthMarkers_Matrix} \alias{synthMarkers_Matrix} \docType{data} \title{Example of marker descriptor data matrix} \description{ This matrix simulates the marker descriptors of 24 chromosomes (of 1000 probes) where the start and the end position of each probe coincide. } \usage{data(synthMarkers_Matrix)} \author{Sandro Morganella et al. Maintainer: S. Morganella } \format{ This data matrix is organized as a matrix having a row for each measured probe. Each probe is described by the following columns:\cr Probe Name - Chromosome - Start\cr Where: "Probe Name" is the name of the observed probe; "Chromosome" is the chromosome where the probe is located and "Start" is the start point (in bp) of the probe. Note that the matrix can have also a column ("End") specifying the position in which the probe ends, this column is optional and if it is missed than start and the end positions will coincide.\cr \code{synthMarkers_Matrix} reports the marker descriptor for 24 chromosomes of 1000 probes (where the sex chromosomes X and Y are indicated with 23 and 24 respectively. } \examples{ data(synthMarkers_Matrix) } \keyword{datasets}