\name{runGAIA} \alias{runGAIA} \title{Run GAIA algorithm.} \description{ This function assess the significance of the chromosomal aberrations. Note that it uses the package qvalue. } \usage{ runGAIA(cnv_obj, markers_obj, output_file_name, aberrations = -1, chromosomes = -1, num_iterations = 10, threshold = 0.25, hom_threshold = 0.12, approximation=FALSE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{cnv_obj}{an object returned by the function \code{load_cnv} describing the observed data.} \item{markers_obj}{an object returned by the function \code{load_markers} describing the observed markers.} \item{output_file_name}{the name of the file in which the significant aberrant regions are saved.} \item{aberrations}{[default=-1] the aberrations that will be analyzed. If it setted as -1 (default value) all aberrations will be analyzed.} \item{chromosomes}{[default=-1] the chromosomes that will be analyzed. If it setted as -1 (default value) all chromosomes will be analyzed.} \item{num_iterations}{[default=10] if the number of permutation steps (if approximation is equal to -1) - the number of column of the approximation matrix (if approximation is different to -1).} \item{threshold}{[default=0.25] markers having q-value lower than this threshold are labeled as significantly aberrant.} \item{hom_threshold}{[default=0.12] Threshold used for homogeneous peel-off. For values lower then 0 homogeneous peel-off is disabled.} \item{approximation}{[default=FALSE] if approximation is FALSE then GAIA explicitly performs the permutations, if it is TRUE then GAIA uses an approximated approach to compute the null distribution.} } %\details{} \value{ This function return a matrix containing all significant aberrant regions. } \references{ GAIA home page: http://www.dsba.unisannio.it/Members/ceccarelli/GAIA } \author{Sandro Morganella et al. Maintainer: S. Morganella } \note{ In order to execute this script you need of the R package \code{qvalue} available at the bioconductor repository.\cr To install the \code{qvalue} package, start R and enter:\cr source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")\cr biocLite("qvalue") } %\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ } \examples{ # Load the matrix containing the informations about the markers data(synthMarkers_Matrix) # Use the function load_markers to obtain the marker descriptor data object markers_obj <- load_markers(synthMarkers_Matrix) # Load the matrix containing the informations about the aberrant regions data(synthCNV_Matrix) # Use the function load_cnv to obtain the aberrant region descriptor data object cnv_obj <- load_cnv(synthCNV_Matrix, markers_obj, 10) # run GAIA algorithm and save the results within the file "results.txt" runGAIA(cnv_obj, markers_obj, "results.txt") # run GAIA algorithm in its approximated version generating 5000 approximations runGAIA(cnv_obj, markers_obj, "results.txt", num_iterations=5000, approximation=TRUE) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory.