\name{readExpData} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{readExpData} \title{ Read in expression data } \description{ This is a wrapper function of \code{read.delim} for reading in expression data matrix in tab-delimited format. } \usage{ readExpData(file = "arrayData.txt", ...) } \arguments{ \item{file}{ character string, the full path name to the expression data file in tab-delimited format. Rows are genes, columns are array samples. } \item{\dots}{ other arguments to be passed into \code{read.delim} function. } } \details{ \code{readExpData} is a wrapper function of \code{read.delim}. Please check help information of \code{read.delim} for more details. } \value{ A data.frame (matrix-like) of gene expression data. Rows are genes, columns are array samples. } \references{ Luo, W., Friedman, M., Shedden K., Hankenson, K. and Woolf, P GAGE: Generally Applicable Gene Set Enrichment for Pathways Analysis. BMC Bioinformatics 2009, 10:161 } \author{ Weijun Luo } \seealso{ \code{\link{readList}} read in gene set list } \examples{ filename=system.file("extdata/gse16873.demo", package = "gage") demo.data=readExpData(filename, row.names=1) head(demo.data) } \keyword{manip}