\name{gageComp} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{gageComp} \title{ Compare multiple GAGE analyses results } \description{ This function is used to compare the results after running multiple rounds of GAGE analysis. It is frequently used after batch analysis using \code{gagePipe}, but may also be used after multiple runs of \code{gage} manually. } \usage{ gageComp(sampnames, dataname, gsname = c("kegg.gs", "go.gs"), use.cols = c("stat.mean", "q.val"), q.cutoff = 0.1, do.plot = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{sampnames}{ character vector, the names of the sample groups, on which the GAGE analysis has been done and to be compared. This same argument is used in \code{gagePipe} function. These \code{sampnames} have been used to label \code{gage} result objects. } \item{dataname}{ character, the name of the data on which the GAGE analysis has been done. This same argument is used in \code{gagePipe} function. This name has be included as the prefix of the GAGE analysis output file names, and will be used in the comparison output file names. } \item{gsname}{ character, the name(s) of the gene set collection(s) to be considered in the comparison. In other words, this argument specifies GAGE analysis results with what type(s) of gene sets are to be compared on. Default to be \code{c("kegg.gs", "go.gs")}. } \item{use.cols}{ character, what columns in the \code{gage} analysis result objects will be used in the comparison. Default to be "stat.mean" (mean of gene set test statistics) and "q.val" (q-value using BH procedure). Check help information for \code{gage} function for more details on the result columns. } \item{q.cutoff}{ numeric, q-value cutoff between 0 and 1 for signficant gene sets selection. Default to be 0.1. The same argument is used in \code{gagePipe} function. } \item{do.plot}{ boolean, whether to plot the venn diagram for the comparison results. Default to be TRUE. } } \details{ \code{gageComp} works with the results of \code{gagePipe} run by default. Try to load the .RData file named after \code{dataname} first. It there is no such file, it assumes that the \code{gage} result objects have been loaded and exist in the global environment. For the GAGE analysis results with each gene set collection specified in \code{gsname}, \code{gagePipe} compares the signficant gene set lists between the sample groups specified in \code{sampnames}. For each gene set collection, three comparisons will be done, on the 2-direction perturbed, up-regulated, and down-regulated gene sets. The comparison results are output as tab-delimited text files. Venn digrams are only plot for comparison between 2-3 parties. But the text file outputs are not limited by the number of parties under comparison. The venn diagram is generated by calling a revised function based on the VennDigram function from limma package. } \value{ The function returns invisible 1 when successfully executed. } \references{ Luo, W., Friedman, M., Shedden K., Hankenson, K. and Woolf, P GAGE: Generally Applicable Gene Set Enrichment for Pathways Analysis. BMC Bioinformatics 2009, 10:161 } \author{ Weijun Luo } \seealso{ \code{\link{gagePipe}} pipeline for multiple GAGE analysis in a batch; \code{\link{gage}} the main function for GAGE analysis } \examples{ data(gse16873) cn=colnames(gse16873) hn=grep('HN',cn, ignore.case =TRUE) dcis=grep('DCIS',cn, ignore.case =TRUE) data(kegg.gs) library(gageData) data(gse16873.2) cn2=colnames(gse16873.2) hn2=grep('HN',cn2, ignore.case =TRUE) dcis2=grep('DCIS',cn2, ignore.case =TRUE) #multiple GAGE analysis in a batch with the combined data gse16873=cbind(gse16873, gse16873.2) dataname='gse16873' #output data prefix sampnames=c('dcis.1', 'dcis.2') refList=list(hn, hn2+12) sampList=list(dcis, dcis2+12) gagePipe(gse16873, gsname = "kegg.gs", dataname = "gse16873", sampnames = sampnames, ref.list = refList, samp.list = sampList, comp.list = "paired") #follow up comparison between the analyses load('gse16873.gage.RData') #list gage result objects objects(pat = "[.]p$") gageComp(sampnames, dataname, gsname = "kegg.gs", do.plot = TRUE) } \keyword{htest} \keyword{multivariate}