\name{eg2sym} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{eg2sym} \alias{sym2eg} \title{ Conversion between Entrez Gene IDs and official gene symbols for human genes. } \description{ These functions convert Entrez Gene IDs to official gene symbols for human genes, or vise versa. } \usage{ eg2sym(eg) sym2eg(sym) } \arguments{ \item{eg}{ character vector for Entrez Gene IDs (human genes only). } \item{sym}{ character vector for official gene symbols (human genes only). } } \details{ Currently, only conversion for human genes are supported. Notice that some gene symbols are not official, hence not recognized and NA will be returned in such cases. } \value{ A character vector giving the converted official gene symbols or Entrez IDs. } \references{ Luo, W., Friedman, M., Shedden K., Hankenson, K. and Woolf, P GAGE: Generally Applicable Gene Set Enrichment for Pathways Analysis. BMC Bioinformatics 2009, 10:161 } \author{ Weijun Luo } \seealso{ \code{\link{egSymb}} mapping data between Entrez Gene IDs and official symbols; \code{\link{readList}} read in gene set list } \examples{ #genes in gse16873 was label by Entrez IDs data(gse16873) head(rownames(gse16873)) #may convert the gene IDs to official symbols gse16873.sym<-gse16873 data(egSymb) rownames(gse16873.sym)<-eg2sym(rownames(gse16873.sym)) head(rownames(gse16873.sym)) #convert kegg.gs correspondingly data(kegg.gs) kegg.gs.sym<-lapply(kegg.gs, eg2sym) lapply(kegg.gs.sym[1:3],head) #GAGE analysis with the converted data cn=colnames(gse16873) hn=grep('HN',cn, ignore.case =TRUE) dcis=grep('DCIS',cn, ignore.case =TRUE) gse16873.kegg.p2 <- gage(gse16873.sym, gsets = kegg.gs.sym, ref = hn, samp = dcis) } \keyword{manip}