\name{GNUSE} \alias{GNUSE} \title{GNUSE} \description{ Computes the generalized normalized unscaled standard error (a measure of microarray quality). } \usage{ GNUSE(object, medianSE=NULL, type=c("plot", "values", "stats", "density"), ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{an ExpressionSet or frmaExpressionSet containing standard errors produced by frma} \item{medianSE}{median standard errors to be used. If NULL, these are obtained from the correct frmavecs package.} \item{type}{the desired output} \item{...}{additional graphical parameters for types plot or density} } \value{ If type is plot, boxplots of GNUSE values are displayed. If type is values, the GNUSE values are returned. If type is stats, the median, IQR, 95th, and 99th percentiles are reported. If type is density, a density plots of GNUSE values are displayed. } \author{Matthew N. McCall} \examples{ library(frma) library(frmaExampleData) data(AffyBatchExample) object <- frma(AffyBatchExample) GNUSE(object, type="stats") } \keyword{manip}