\name{recomputeGatingSet} \alias{recomputeGatingSet} \title{ Recalculates all the gating in the GatingSet if netCDF storage is used. } \description{ Re--runs all the gating in a GatingSet object if netCDF storage is used. } \usage{ recomputeGatingSet(x) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{ A \code{GatingSet} object. } } \details{ This function wil recalculate all the gates in a gating set object. Useful if you've run some normalization and need to recalcualte the gates based on the adjusted data. Only if netCDF storage is used. } \value{ Returns \code{NULL}. The gates are written directly to the netCDF file and reflected in the parent frame. } \author{ Greg Finak }