\name{getKeywords} \alias{getKeywords} \alias{getKeywords-methods} \alias{getKeywords,GatingHierarchy,missing-method} \alias{getKeywords,GatingSet,character-method} \alias{getKeywords,GatingSet,numeric-method} \alias{getKeywords,flowJoWorkspace,character-method} \title{Get List of Keywords for a Flow Sample} \description{Retrieve the list of keywords associated with a sample} \usage{ \S4method{getKeywords}{GatingHierarchy,missing}(obj, y) \S4method{getKeywords}{GatingSet,character}(obj, y) \S4method{getKeywords}{GatingSet,numeric}(obj, y) \S4method{getKeywords}{flowJoWorkspace,character}(obj, y) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{A \code{flowJoWorkspace}, \code{GatingSet}, or \code{GatingHierarchy}} \item{y}{can be omitted if \code{obj} is a \code{GatingHierarchy}. A \code{character}, or \code{numeric} if \code{obj} is a \code{GatingSet}. A \code{character} if \code{obj} is a \code{flowJoWorkspace}} } \details{ Retrieve a list of keywords from a \code{flowJoWorkspace}, \code{GatingSet}, or \code{GatingHierarchy} for a particular sample. The sample is specified via \code{y}, either a numeric index into a \code{GatingSet}, or a sample name (\code{character}) for all other types of \code{obj}. } \value{ A list of keyword - value pairs. } \references{ \url{http://www.rglab.org/} } \author{ Greg Finak \email{gfinak@fhcrc.org} } \examples{ \dontrun{ #G is a GatingHierarchy getKeywords(G); #G is a GatingSet getKeywords(G[[1]]) getKeywords(G,1) } }