\name{getFJWSubsetIndices} \alias{getFJWSubsetIndices} \title{ Fetch the indices for a subset of samples in a flowJo workspace, based on a keyword value pair } \description{ Returns an index vector into the samples in a flowJo workspace for use with parseWorkspace(subset=), based on a keyword/value filter in a specific group of samples. } \usage{ getFJWSubsetIndices(ws, key=NULL, value=NULL, group,requiregates=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{ws}{ The flowJoWorkspace object } \item{key}{ The name of the keyword. Type "character" } \item{value}{ The value of the keyword. Type "character" } \item{group}{ The group of samples to subset. Type numeric. } \item{requiregates}{ \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}, specifying whether we include only samples that have gates attached or whether we include any sample in the workspace. } } \details{ This function will calculate the indices of a subset of samples in a flowJoWorkspace, based on a keyword/value filter. It is applied to a specific group of samples in the workspace. The output is meant to be passed to the subset= argument of parseWorkspace. } \value{ A numeric vector of indices. } \author{ Greg Finak } \seealso{ \code{\link{parseWorkspace}} } \keyword{manip}