\name{txtFormatQAObject} \alias{txtFormatQAObject} \title{Formats results contained in QA process objects into a data frame with appropriate row and column names} \description{ Formats information contained in QA process objects into a data frame which can then be easly written to a tab delimited file. Information contained includes the values used in the outlier detection, information whether the particular parameter passed the outlier test and the summary aggregator information. } \usage{ txtFormatQAObject(qp) } \arguments{ \item{qp}{ A \code{qaProcess} object } } \value{ A \code{data.frame} containing the values used in outlier detection, thresholds used, information regarding whether the parameter passed/failed the test as well as the summary aggregator information } \author{ Nishant Gopalakrishnan } \seealso{ \code{\link[flowQ]{writeQATextReport}} } \examples{ data(qData) p1 <- qaProcess.marginevents(qData[[1]], channels=c("FSC-A", "SSC-A"), outdir=tempdir(), name=paste("Panel", 1, sep="_")) res <- txtFormatQAObject(p1) res } \keyword{ dynamic }