\name{pfdPartsList} \alias{pfdPartsList} \title{An example of pfdPartsData} \description{ The pfd parts data computed from the adultsNeonates data. } \usage{ data(pfdPartsList) } \value{a list; pdfPartsData is a list of data frames. The first data frame holds the compositional percentages for PFD=1; that is, of the cells producing only one marker, the percentage of cells which express marker1, the percentage of cells which produce marker2, etc. For example, if there are 4 markers, the data frame for PFD=1 will have a percentage column for each marker, and the sum of those 4 cols will equal 100%. The second data frame holds the compositional percentages for PFD=2. The second data frame has n-choose-2 columns of percentages, where n is the number of markers and 2 is the polyfunctional degree; i.e. the 2 in PFD=2. And, so on. The length of the list is (maxPFD-1), since there is only 1 way to achieve maxPFD; that is, all markers are positive when PFD=maxPFD. Each data frame also contains 'demographic' data describing each row of percentages. } \author{N. Hawkins, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA} \seealso{\code{\link{StackedData}} } \examples{ # Load pfd parts data data(pfdPartsList) }