\name{makeTernaryData} \alias{makeTernaryData} \title{Prepare PFD Data for a Call to ternaryplot()} \description{ This function takes a dataframe of polyfunctional degree (pfd) data and prepares a matrix with 3 columns (egs. PFD1,PFD2,PFD3, or PFD1-2, PFD3-4, PFD5-6) to use as input to ternaryplot() in the vcd pkg. If multiple columns are specified for one of the three columns, the percentages for the multiple columns will be summed. } \usage{ makeTernaryData(pfdData, columns1, columns2, columns3, columnNames=c("PFD=1","PFD=2","PFD=3")) } \arguments{ \item{pfdData}{data frame containing data for 1 or more groups} \item{columns1}{numeric; column(s) of pfd data to place in the first column of the matrix} \item{columns2}{numeric; column(s) of pfd data to place in the second column of the matrix} \item{columns3}{numeric; column(s) of pfd data to place in the third column of the matrix} \item{columnNames}{(optional) character vector of names for the three columns of the matrix} } \value{matrix of 3 columns; rows = subjects, cols = data for each point on the triangle} \author{N. Hawkins, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA} \seealso{\code{\link{StackedData}} } \examples{ ## Load the PFD Data to plot in a ternary plot data(pfdDF) pfdDataSubset = subset(pfdDF, stim=="LPS" & concGroup==3 & cell=="mDC") ## Prepare the PFD Data for a call to ternaryplot() ternaryData = makeTernaryData(pfdDataSubset, 1, 2, 3:4) colnames(ternaryData) = c("PFD1", "PFD2", "PFD3-4") ## Make the ternary plot library(vcd) ternaryplot(ternaryData, cex=.5, col=as.numeric(pfdDataSubset$group)*2, main="Stimulation = LPS, Concentration Group = 3, Cell = mDC") ## Prepare a legend with group stats adultPFDData = subset(pfdDataSubset, group=="adult", select=c(PFD1:PFD3)) neoPFDData = subset(pfdDataSubset, group=="neonate", select=c(PFD1:PFD3)) groupPFDDataList = list(adultPFDData, neoPFDData) pfdGroupStatsList = computePFDGroupStatsList(groupPFDDataList, pfdValues=1:3, numDigitsMean=3, numDigitsSD=2) groupNames = c("Adults","Neonates") legendNames = legendPFDStatsGroupNames(pfdGroupStatsList,groupNames) grid_legend(0.8, 0.7, pch=c(20,20), col=c(2,4), legendNames, title = "Group (n), mean/sd:", gp=gpar(cex=.8)) }