\name{makeDataList} \alias{makeDataList} \title{Prepare Data in a Data Frame for a Call to GroupListBoxplot()} \description{ This function makes a list of data, where each item of the list is a data frame and contains data for a group. The list can be used as input for a call to GroupListBoxplot(). } \usage{ makeDataList(theData, groupVariableName, columnsToKeep) } \arguments{ \item{theData}{data.frame containing data for 1 or more groups} \item{groupVariableName}{character; name of the column in theData identifying group} \item{columnsToKeep}{numeric vector specifying the column numbers in theData to include in the list of data.} } \value{a list; each item of the list is a data frame and contains data for a group. The rows of each data frame are for subject. The cols of each data frame represent categories to be plotted on the x-axis.} \author{N. Hawkins, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA} \seealso{\code{\link{GroupListBoxplot}} } \examples{ # Load the data data(marginalDF) marginalDataSubset = subset(marginalDF, stim=="LPS" & concGroup==3 & cell=="mDC") # Make a data list dataList = makeDataList(marginalDataSubset, "group", 1:5) # Make a plot using the data list GroupListBoxplot(dataList, xlabel="Cytokine", ylabel="Percent of All Cells", xAxisLabels=c("TNFa","IL6","IL12","IFNa","AnyMarker"), mainTitle="Stimulation = LPS and Concentration Group = 3 and Cell = mDC", legendGroupNames=c("Adults","Neonates"), pointColor=c(2,4), testTitleCEX=.8, nCEX=.8, pCEX=.8, legendColor=c(2,4), legendCEX=.7) }