\name{legendPFDStatsGroupNames} \alias{legendPFDStatsGroupNames} \title{Create Group Names With Embedded Stats to Use in a Plot Legend} \description{ This function returns a vector of groupNames of the form: "Adults (25) 1.5/.6", which represents the group name, number of subjects in the group, the pfd mean / pfd standard deviation, where pfd = polyfunctional degree. } \usage{ legendPFDStatsGroupNames(pfdGroupStatsList,groupNames) } \arguments{ \item{pfdGroupStatsList}{a list of vectors containing the pfd group stats of group size, pfd group mean, and pfd group standard deviation} \item{groupNames}{a vector of group names, such as c("Adult", "Neonate")} } \value{character vector; the length is equal to the number of groups. Each element of the vector contains the formatted stats for a group. For a subset of the adultsNeonates data, the 2-element vector result looks like this: "Adults (24), 1.47/0.10" "Neonates (30), 1.41/0.13"} \author{N. Hawkins, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA} \seealso{\code{\link{StackedData}} } \examples{ ## Load the PFD data and prepare it for a call to ternaryplot() data(pfdDF) pfdDataSubset = subset(pfdDF, stim=="LPS" & concGroup==3 & cell=="mDC") ternaryData = makeTernaryData(pfdDataSubset, 1, 2, 3:4) colnames(ternaryData) = c("PFD1", "PFD2", "PFD3-4") ## Make a ternary plot library(vcd) ternaryplot(ternaryData, cex=.5, col=as.numeric(pfdDataSubset$group)*2, main="Stimulation = LPS, Concentration Group = 3, Cell = mDC") ## Compute PFD Stats to print in plot legend adultPFDData = subset(pfdDataSubset, group=="adult", select=c(PFD1:PFD3)) neoPFDData = subset(pfdDataSubset, group=="neonate", select=c(PFD1:PFD3)) groupPFDDataList = list(adultPFDData, neoPFDData) pfdGroupStatsList = computePFDGroupStatsList(groupPFDDataList, pfdValues=1:3, numDigitsMean=3, numDigitsSD=2) groupNames = c("Adults","Neonates") ## Create group names including the PFD Stats for the legend legendNames = legendPFDStatsGroupNames(pfdGroupStatsList,groupNames) ## Add the legend to the ternary plot grid_legend(0.8, 0.7, pch=c(20,20), col=c(2,4), legendNames, title = "Group (n), mean/sd:", gp=gpar(cex=.8)) }