\name{computeProfileData-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{computeProfileData-methods} \alias{computeProfileData} \alias{computeProfileData,StackedData,character,character,character,character-method} \title{Method computeProfileData from Class "StackedData"} \description{ This function is a method of the StackedData class which computes the profile data which can be stored in the profileData slot of a StackedData object. This method relies on the marker data slot being assigned in the StackedData object. No computation is required. Instead, the marker combination percentages data is re-organized to be 'horizontal' rather than 'stacked' (vertical). This makes it ready for plotting via the GroupListBoxplot() function. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{signature(object = "StackedData", byVarNames = "character", idVarName = "character", percentVarName = "character", groupVarName = "character")}}{Compute the profile data.} } } \usage{ computeProfileData(object, byVarNames, idVarName, percentVarName, groupVarName) } \arguments{ \item{object}{an object of the StackedData class} \item{byVarNames}{character; the names of the variables specifying the subsets of interest in the data} \item{idVarName}{character; the name of the id variable in the data} \item{percentVarName}{character; the name of the variable holding the percentages to be summed when computing the pfd summary data} \item{groupVarName}{character; the name of the variable specifying the group assignment in the data} } \value{data frame of profile data} \author{N. Hawkins, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA} \seealso{\code{\link{StackedData}}, \code{\link{profileData}} } \examples{ # Load stacked data data(adultsNeonates) # Create a stacked data object stackedDataObject = new("StackedData", stackedData=adultsNeonates) # Compute the marker data and set the marker data slot markerNames = c("TNFa","IL6","IL12","IFNa") markers = computeMarkers(markerNames,includeAllNegativeRow=TRUE) markers(stackedDataObject) = markers # Compute the profile percent data and set the profile percent data slot byVarNames = c("stim", "concGroup", "cell") profilePercent = computeProfileData(stackedDataObject, byVarNames, "id", "percentAll", "group") profileData(stackedDataObject) = profilePercent }