\name{computePFDGroupStatsList} \alias{computePFDGroupStatsList} \title{Compute Group Stats on PFD Data to Be Used In a Legend} \description{ This function can be used with ternaryplot() to add PFD group stats to, say, the legend. The stats computed are group size (N), pfd group mean, and pfd group standard deviation. } \usage{ computePFDGroupStatsList(groupPFDDataList, pfdValues=1:3, numDigitsMean=3, numDigitsSD=2) } \arguments{ \item{groupPFDDataList}{one list item per group, each list item contains a matrix of PFD percentages; the rows are subjects, and the columns are pfd categories.} \item{pfdValues}{vector of the PFD values that the columns in each matrix in the groupPFDDataList represent; eg. 1:3 for (PFD1,PFD2,PFD3).} \item{numDigitsMean}{return a mean rounded to this number of digits} \item{numDigitsSD}{return a standard deviation rounded to this number of digits} } \value{a list; each list item contains the stats for a group as a 3 element character vector containing the size of the group, the mean PFD, and the standard deviation of the PFD.} \author{N. Hawkins, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA} \seealso{\code{\link{StackedData}}, \code{\link{pfdData}} } \examples{ ## Load PFD data to plot data(pfdDF) pfdDataSubset = subset(pfdDF, stim=="LPS" & concGroup==3 & cell=="mDC") ## Prepare the PFD Data for a call to ternaryplot() ternaryData = makeTernaryData(pfdDataSubset, 1, 2, 3:4) colnames(ternaryData) = c("PFD1", "PFD2", "PFD3-4") ## Make a ternary plot library(vcd) ternaryplot(ternaryData, cex=.5, col=as.numeric(pfdDataSubset$group)*2, main="Stimulation = LPS, Concentration Group = 3, Cell = mDC") ## Compute Group Stats to use in the legend of the ternary plot adultPFDData = subset(pfdDataSubset, group=="adult", select=c(PFD1:PFD3)) neoPFDData = subset(pfdDataSubset, group=="neonate", select=c(PFD1:PFD3)) groupPFDDataList = list(adultPFDData, neoPFDData) ## Specifically, compute the PFD Group Stats List pfdGroupStatsList = computePFDGroupStatsList(groupPFDDataList, pfdValues=1:3, numDigitsMean=3, numDigitsSD=2) groupNames = c("Adults","Neonates") ## Create group names for the legend based on the PFD Group Stats List legendNames = legendPFDStatsGroupNames(pfdGroupStatsList,groupNames) grid_legend(0.8, 0.7, pch=c(20,20), col=c(2,4), legendNames, title = "Group (n), mean/sd:", gp=gpar(cex=.8)) }