\name{adultsNeonates} \alias{adultsNeonates} \title{The adultsNeonates example data set of "stacked" data.} \description{ The adultsNeonates data is an example of stacked data from an ICS Flow Cytometry assay. } \usage{ data(adultsNeonates) } \value{data frame with 1 column of marker combination percentages and several cols of 'demographic' data describing the percentage in a given row.} \author{N. Hawkins, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA} \references{TR Kollmann, J Crabtree, A Rein-Weston, D Blimkie, F Thomai, X Wang, J Furlong, E Fortuno III, A Hajjar, N Hawkins, S Self, and C Wilson, The neonatal innate immune system is not less responsive than the adult but responds differently, 2009, J Immunology, 183, 7150-7160} \seealso{\code{\link{StackedData}} } \examples{ # Load adultsNeoates data data(adultsNeonates) }