\name{plotStatMap} \alias{plotStatMap} \title{plot the stat.tab file on a map} \description{ plot the result of on a map } \usage{ plotStatMap(df, pop, z.param, margin = 0.1, zlab = z.param, ma = 1, xlim= NULL, ylim=NULL, main=paste(pop, "-population"), track = NULL, cex = 1,...) } \arguments{ \item{df}{dataframe of the summary data, ie stat.tab} \item{pop}{Name should match the one written in the stats.tab created by the Summarize function} \item{z.param}{parameter in the dataframe for which to plot the heatmap} \item{zlab}{the label for the values of the heatmap color gradient passed as 'col'} \item{margin}{margin of longitude and latitude around edges of current position.} \item{ma}{number of periods to average over z.param} \item{xlim}{limit of x axis} \item{ylim}{limit of y axis} \item{main}{Plot title} \item{track}{a dataframe of the cruise track (from the sds file) with longitude (long) and latitude (lat) named accordingly.} \item{cex}{character expansion factor} \item{...}{additional arguments to be passed to the plot function} } \value{ returns a map of seaflow statistics } \examples{ ## load the data stat.tab <- system.file("extdata","seaflow_cruise","stats.tab", package="flowPhyto") stats <- read.delim(stat.tab) ## plot the cell concentrations of the picoplankton population plotStatMap(df=stats ,pop='synecho', z.param='conc') mtext(line=1, side=4, "cell concentration 10^6 cells / L") }